There was a time before humans, and there will be a time after. I aim to bridge the gap between natural preservation and human progression. My projects emphasize the complex relationships our society has developed with the natural world. As consumers, we take, build, and rely on nature, however, we rarely act quickly enough to combat the havoc we have wreaked on our resources. I draw from observations I have encountered within my environment and education and convey these experiences through drawing and sculpture to evoke thoughtfulness and care for the natural world. Through these mediums, research, and curiosity, I create a dialogue centered around the historical and current environmental state our world is in today. In my exploration, I convey my love for the environment through scale shifts and earth tones, searching for representations of a world that will once day exist again.


Being from rural northern New England, I have been immersed in wildlife, forests, and mountains all my life; nature has always been a part of me. It motivates my exploration of ecology and drives the artwork I create, as art has the power to educate and stimulate action. In the world I am building, climate injustices will cease, and humans will find a balance between progression and destruction. What are our obligations to each other to preserve the natural world? Where is the overlap between art and science? Are our social systems capable of responding to the challenges confronting our planet? While these may be left unanswered, I pose these questions and more throughout my process and invite conversation. Learning, creating, and emphasizing the more-than-than-human world is how I do my part in calling for environmental action.